Monday, December 19, 2011

Help Wanted

This week, columnist Thomas L. Friedman writes about the importance in this day and age to, as a leader, get the best out of the bottom-up, rather than the individual's ideas-down. The people in Russia after the fall of the USSR to the Middle East to Egypt to present-Russia won't stand for a change in leadership without their voices being heard. The people have more "freedom from" things. The democracy movement that has been happening in Egypt and other Middle Eastern countries should be a wake up call to Russia's Vladimir Putin who just recently reappointed himself president.

1 comment:

  1. Agnes--
    Solid job in reviewing Friedman's positions. Look at citing 1-2 more of his lines in key areas, especially as you analyze some of his rhetorical technique. Would you identify him as a more liberal voice?


    Mr. Heller
