Saturday, January 7, 2012

Synthesis -Thomas L. Friedman, NY Times

After reading a few of columnist Thomas L. Friedman's posts, it's pretty easy to tell what he believes is important  (and not so important) in today's society, nationally and internationally: brushing up on what it means to be a democracy and what a democratic government should be doing. Friedman takes the Arab Spring very seriously and knows that the world, especially big countries like the United States would be foolish to not learn anything from this kind of event. He understands how much this could change the Arab World, and if other countries want to help create a stable democracy in those Arab countries, they also need to start answering the most crucial questions of their own nation. What most nations need right now, is a bottom-up government that can find answers for the future of democracy as soon as possible, and the way to do that is to "Shut up and take notes". America has made a lot of mistakes, but what to do with democracy in the Arab World cannot be one of them post-2011.

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